Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tunes For Tuesday - I Forgot to Remember Playlist

Hello all and happy Tuesday! Sometime last week I had a really good idea for a playlist. Unfortunately I forgot to write it down or make it. Which lead me to forget what the idea was completely. However, my forgetting lead me to a new idea for a playlist of song either containing the words forget or remember in their titles. Everything worked out in the end. I hope you enjoy the playlist.

I Forgot To Remember Playlist

1. Don't You (Forget About Me
2. Don't You Remember - Adele
3. Forget Me Not - Civil Wars
4. Do You Remember Rock and Roll Radio - Ramones
5. I Can't Forget - Patsy Cline
6. How Do You Want To Be Remember - MAGIC!
7. Forgive and Forget - Blondie
8. Do You Remember - Ane Brun
9. Trying So Hard To Forget - Fleetwood Mac
10. I Forgot To Remember To Forget - Johnny Cash

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