Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Weekly Obsession Wednesday - I Finally Saw Hidden Figures!

Hello all! Yet again I only have two obsessions for the week. (Other than the much talked about Tome Topple Readathon of course.) So no countdown because they are both great.

Hidden Figures

My mom wanted to do something fun for her birthday. She saw that the movie Hidden Figures was showing at the local Franklin Theater the day after her birthday, and thought that would be a fun outing for our family to do to celebrate since we hadn't seen the movie yet. It was such an excellent film. Inspiring, emotional, and funny. To add to all that the way the film was written, edited, directed, and casted was wonderful. It was so fun learning about these three inspirational black women that were such in integral part of the space race. I really want to read the book the movie is based on now.

Kindle X-Ray

I started reading A Game of Thrones this week. The book is great so far, but it is high fantasy with quite a few characters. Since I haven't watched the show sometimes the characters and locations can be a bit confusing. Then my mom reminded me about the X-ray feature on the Kindle or the Kindle app. You can highlight the names of characters, and this feature will give you a brief description of who the character is and what the look like. The feature also works with locations. Which is a great help when you're imagining a fictional world with a ton of land and castles. This feature certainly makes this great book even more great to read.

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