Friday, March 14, 2014

The Book Blogger Hop - March 14-20

Book Blogger Hop

Hello all. I'm going to post my youtube video for this week tomorrow but I thought until then I could join the Book Blogger Hop again this week. Fun! On to the question and my answer.

This Weeks Question: What is the most creative thing you've ever done with a book?

Well there is only one thing I can think of at the moment. Once I decided to color the pictures in this manga that I have with color pencils. Then I got strangly concerned that I was doing the hair and eye colors of the characters wrong. Not that anybody would have cared but I didn't color the pictures anymore after that.

If this question is refering to a creative thing I tried to do with a book review, I once tried to make a interactive music playlist for a book review on my old blog. Meaning I tried to get my followers to join the fun and put songs they thought would work with the book in the comments. It didn't really work but I still might try it again sometime.

Have a great rest of the day. Keep it shiny!


Alysia said...

That is a cool idea. I think you would have to review a book EVERYONE has read. Great answer!!!

(: Isa :) said...

Ahaha! I like the manga coloring story. I much prefer anime, because I frequently have difficulty distinguishing the characters from each other in manga :)