Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Weekly Obsession Wednesday!

Hello darlings. I actually came up with five obsessions this week. Yay! On with the show.

#5 Rhett Butler's People

I think if you've followed this blog long enough you already know I enjoy Gone With The Wind quite a bit. It should be no surprise that I have become obsessed with the Prequel/Sequel to Gone With The Wind, Rhett Butler's People by Donald McCaig. Even though I'm reading a ton of books already I decided to pick this one up too. Mostly because it has been sitting on my shelf for quite some time. I did not take my nose out of it for most of the weekend. I think it will be as fast of a read as the original novel was. I can not really say the same for Alexandra Ripley's Scarlett. Decent book...Slow Read. Rhett Butler's People is a better than decent book so far and a fast read. I can't wait to review it after I'm done.

#4 Tony Awards 2014 Performances

Though my personal dreams of being on Broadway have changed I'm still a musical theater junkie. At the moment the closest I could get to a Broadway performance was to watch the Tony's on Sunday. All the performances were so good. It was sweet torture. I wanted to see all the shows and plays so bad. Still just seeing the excerpts was enough to make me pretty darn happy.

#3 Vocal Focus

Lately when I've been practicing my music I keep messing up playing my instruments. Why? Well I'm really focused on my singing. I've sung for a long time so I know how to use good technique. However, this week I'm focusing on the little things. Things like diction, vocal tone, and expression. It's fun work indeed.

#2 Haven

Haven is a Syfy channel original show based loosely on a Stephen King novel called The Colorado Kid. The show is about a town named Haven which contains people with unusual abilities. An ex-FBI agent and a police detective, who seem to have abilities of their own, usually have to find a way to either help the people or save the town. It's a show I keep meaning to try out but never got around to. The Chiller channel was showing re-runs of it a couple of Sunday's ago, and my mom and I decided to give it a try. We got so hooked we found it on Netflix and have started to binge watch this show. I am in TV love. The show is so full of mystery it's addictive. I actually started writing this post earlier that usual so that I could watch more episodes of Haven. Can you say obsessed?!

#1 Brainstorming

I've just got a lot of ideas in my head lately. One of them is for a book that I want to write, so I'm brainstorming chapter titles. I also finally have a possible idea of what I want to do with my career change. It's something I've been kind of stumped on since I stopped running my dance school, but I think I might have some direction. I'm very seriously thinking about studying film. Of course, I think that I'm going to have to get a job of some kind to pay for such a thing. At least I have my scooter so I would be able to get to a job now. I'm just exploring and brainstorming all sorts of ideas.

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