Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Children's Book Review: Born To Read


Author: Judy Sierra
Illustrator: Marc Brown
Age Level: 3 and up

Short Summary

Sam has been able to read since he was a baby. He uses his reading skills to help him win races, play games, and even save his town from a very large giant.

My Thoughts

I picked this book up in the sale bin at the grocery store. I am always looking for colorful and insightful children's books to put in the lobby of the dance studio. This one caught my eye because it stressed the benefits of reading. I like that it didn't only talk about how fictional stories can be an escape, but it also discussed the point that studying non fiction books can help you too. For example: Sam reads books about bike riding and bicycle repair to help him win a bike race. I feel like teens and adults can gain as much from that insight as children can. Reading can help you learn more about your job or your hobbies. I liked that the story combined fantastical elements and real world elements in the plot. It further promoted the point that reading can be a little bit of both sometimes. I loved the poetic writing style in Born To Read. I feel like children's books written in rhyme are always a little bit more fun. To top it all off the illustrations were colorful and exciting. I would suggest this to all your little readers. I think it is a great way to encourage them to love reading at a young age. That is always a good idea because as Sam says in the book, "Readers win and winners read."


Amber P. said...

This is exactly what they are trying to do with the little ones at Isabella's school, teaching them to read and enjoy the world of fiction as well as nonfiction. i may have to grab a copy of this book!

Jazz R.J. said...

That is true. I think Isabella would really like this book. Thanks for commenting. :-)