Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Weekly Obsession Wednesday - Apps, Books, and Design

Hey everyone. It's Weekly Obsession time! Enjoy!

#5 Cute Go Contacts Themes

Go Contacts is the app I use for my text and keyboard on my smart phone. One of the features is that you can get fun themes for you keyboard and text background. I've had a kind of sci-fi/steampunk look for both since I got my new phone. I was in the mood for a change over the weekend. My mom told me to try one called Pinky Cat. I'm usually not a super fan of the over use of pink but this theme was so cute I couldn't help myself. Of course I had to a keyboard to match. I went for one with a smiling cupcake. It's pink too but I love it. How could I not love a smiling cupcake? It makes me happy.

#4 The Hound of the Baskervilles

I'm still trying to read all the Sherlock Holmes books this year. I'm about half way through and I only have four more months. I'm reading them in publication order. Which is kind strange because of the way the short story books are laid out. I prefer the full length novels over the short story collections. After reading two short story books in a row I am super excited to be read The Hound of The Baskervilles. I'm having great fun with it so far.

#3 Audible.com

My mom and I signed up for Audible.com. Both of us spent something like 45 minutes just listening to book samples and putting audio books on our wishlist. Just doing that was fun. We bought a couple books that were on sale. I finally have Atonement on audio book. I've been wanting to read it, but it's just an audio book type of novel.

#2 Cinder

I've been super excited to read Cinder but for whatever reason it has taken me awhile to get around to it. I love a good fairy tale re-telling and my mother has been singing it's prasies since she finished it. It's finally my turn to read it. I'm enjoying it so much. Cinderella+Sci-fi+Cyborgs=Awesome! I just can't wait until I can have a whole to just read Cinder all day.

#1 Designing Products for My Zazzle Store

I've had a Zazzle store for a long time. I've even sold a couple things every once in awhile. The way it works is that you design graphics for T-shirts and other merchandise for Zazzle. They manufacture it but you can set it so that you get a percentage of the funds people pay if they buy it. I've really been wanting shirts with certain quotes, phrases, and graphics. I thought why not start designing some stuff for my store again. It's mostly stuff that I like but I figure someone else might like it too. Why not put it on sale? The designs are fun to make. I love working with fonts and colors. I've left the link to my store below.

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