Friday, May 18, 2018

Jazz and I both were working with young people the other day on the song “Nature Boy” for her musical theater class performance of the Jungle Book. Jazz taught the Mowgli character some dance movement for “Nature Boy” and I helped the singers with expressive movement to tell the story of the song. I think this number is going to be very special and I could tell the kids really enjoyed themselves.

I watched Jazz choreograph a lovely musical theater dance for her Jazz class. The dancers have some lifts and falls that really make the dance clever and entertaining. I can see they love that some of the moves are challenging. Jazz completed the dance and now all it needs is to be cleaned. (dance term for when you work at getting your dancers to do the moves more in sync and that they are doing the moves correctly.) I have seen these kids work on this dance for weeks and was so impressed with those who had practiced at home. You could see that they had worked hard. This is why Jazz enjoys teaching. It thrills her soul when she begins to see the fruit of her labor of instilling growth of character in the young.

Toodles and stay shiny,

Bryn (rhymes with grin)

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