Thursday, September 13, 2012

Writing From My Phone: a review of the Blogger app.

I realized that I didn't write much of anything today. I'm more in the mood to be on my phone than the computer. Hence I have decided take to try out and review the Blogger application I just downloaded on my android phone.

It seems like Blogger has improved the appearance and interface since the last time I used it on my old phone. It is very easy to see where everything you want is. It is simple to find where you can add pictures and your labels. It even has a button that takes you to your camera in case you need to take a picture right that moment for your blog post. That also added a buttons so that you can easily put something in bold or italics. You can also add a link by selecting a word, clicking the link button, and adding you html. Just so I can try this out let me add a link to my dance school's website. I hope that works. I discovered that you can save your post as a draft just like you can on the Blogger website. Something that will come in handy if you have to step away from your post for awhile. Overall it seems like the Blogger application is pretty shiny.

Before I go I fogot that my mom wanted me to share a picture from my 26th birthday celebration and our New York trip. I might as well try adding a picture  with this application while I'm on here right? I'll leave you all with that. Keep it shiny!

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