Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Weekly Obsession Wednesday - Music and Lazy Days

Hello all. Here are my obsessions for the week. Some of them are simple but still nice.

#3 Cleaning Time

This is more a Tuesday obsession, but it's still an obsession so I'm including it. I'm naturally a very messy person. However, in my adult years when things in my personal space get to messy it starts to make me crazy. The craziness hit on Tuesday and I had to get to cleaning. I put on some music and started working through the piled up laundry, cleaning my make-up brushes, and scrubbing my bathroom. Even though I'm not a super clean freak I have to admit that it's great when you get the things in your life neat and tidy.

#2 After Laughter

I finally got around to listening to the entirety of Paramore's newest album After Laughter! I had been listening to one or two songs once in awhile but I hadn't taken the time to listen to the whole thing. Now I can't stop listening to it. I enjoy the direction they went with this new music. It has a vintage flavor to it but it still sounds like the band. There are some amazingly intricate rhythms used in the songs which means you always find a new element to the songs every time you listen to a song. There also some lovely slow songs on the album. I think the instrumentation and melodies on the songs are great in general. It always makes me happy when every song on an album is good.

#1 Lazy Days

Even though I've gotten a lot of things done this week I also feel like I've pretty lazy too. Maybe it's because it has been pretty rainy. That makes me want to just lay around and just read or watch stuff on Youtube. Sometimes this week I did just that. If you have the time it's fun to be lazy once in awhile. At least I made up for my lazy days with a cleaning spree.

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