Monday, April 21, 2014

Must See Movie Monday - (500) Days of Summer

Film: (500) Days of Summer
Released: 2009
Rated: PG13
Director: Marc Webb
Staring: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Zooey Deschanel
Short Summary: Tom Hansen reflects on the 500 days he knew Summer Finn. Tom is a believer in "True Love" and Summer is not so...things get interesting.

Why It's A Must See Movie

I really wanted to pick something comedic this week. However, I haven't really been watching much comedy lately so I was stumped. Luckily my mom and I decided to rent some movies to watch today. One of them was (500) Days of Summer. I've been wanting to see this movie for a long time. I knew mom would be open to watching it. For one we love Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel. They are just great interesting actors. Plus, it's a quirky romance (well...sort of romance.) The trailer was awesome so we gave it a try. This movie knocked my socks off!

I liked that it was a romance that really wasn't a romance at all. The story isn't told in chronological order. Which I thought was a very cool touch. I know both of these statements sound confusing but the movie makes total sense I promise. Haha! I thought the movie had well developed characters. It also had very clever scenes and dialogue. The soundtrack was great as well. Perfect songs at the perfect time. Most of all I liked what the movie had to say. Sometimes people don't come into your life because they are "The One." Sometimes they come into your life because they push you in a new direction in your life. You don't see many movies that explore that idea, so I thought that was pretty darn cool.

To add to the awesomeness of the film the (500) Days of Summer has a great supporting cast. The cast includes actors such as Geoffrey Arend, Mattew Grey Gubler, Chole Grace Moretz, and Clark Gregg. Patricia Belcher who is on Bones occasionally, even had a tiny part in this movie. I was just super excited about this whole cast in general.

I basically fell in love with (500) Days of Summer. It was a great story and it gave me a good laugh. If you haven't seen it go watch it now. This movie actually makes a reference to next week's movie pick The Graduate. I love the irony!

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